What’s for Dinner? The Final Act

I can’t believe I’ve been doing this blog for more then nine years!! It’ a lot of work coming up with new ideas, testing them, writing and photographing them, and then posting them out here. It’s work I’ve loved doing! I love to cook and create.

I retired from my day job a couple of years ago and figured I’d have a lot of time to work the blog and create some delicious foods. And I did. And I fully embraced being able to do what I want, when I want.

And now it’s time to fully retire and enjoy being creative in other areas. I’ve started sculpting again – and making jewelry. I’m looking forward to more time in my garden and getting my hands dirty. Effective July 31, 2024, the Lazy Gastronome will bid you adieu. 

I have made some wonderful friends along the way and learned a lot from all of you. For that I am deeply grateful. Thank you to every one of you for your support, honesty, and friendship. I’ll still be watching you! (I can’t give up some of the recipes you all share!).

So thank you for the fun. Thank you for joining the ride. And thank you for helping make this a fabulous nine years!!

And now, onto our very last dinner party!! Party on!


Last Week’s Most Popular Posts!

Thanks for your support.

Now check each feature – then share your own!

What’s for Dinner Next Week – Miz Helen’s Country Cottage

Whats For Dinner Next Week, 7-14-24 at Miz Helen's Country Cottage


Chocolate Cookie Croissant – The Not So Creative Cook


Peach Frozen Yogurt, No Churn – Cindy’s On-line Recipe Box



Gluten Free Apple Zucchini Muffins – The Gluten Free Alchemist


Are you ready to get cookin’ now?

Share as many recipes as you want!! I’m throwing the rules out the window for this one!

Thank you for playing along!

It’s time to start this party!
Spread the word.

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