What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #427

Time certainly flies!! We’re nearing half way into July and half way into summer!! And this is the 8th year of our party!! On July 12, 2015, we opened our very first What’s for Dinner party!! I can’t believe it’s been that long – check it out here! It was VERY small – but the start of something big!

So come on in! Find something and share something for dinner!


And now it’s time for YOU to come on in and join the party – and bring your friends~

This is a collaboration of ideas ~ And we want yours! Bring your food related posts!

It’s What’s for Dinner!

Share as many as FIVE food related posts you haven’t shared recently (in the last month)!

Show a little love to a couple of posts before yours. 

 Here are the some delicious ideas that were shared last week (and not just for dinner!). You pick the winners just by visiting their page! 

 Please stop by and visit our featured bloggers. Show us your favorite by visiting their site – and next week might be you! It doesn’t have to be just for dinner.

I try to visit each post and comment. I have had problems commenting on some blogger sites erroring out. 

Thanks for showing the love!

Here are this week’s featured posts!

Dark Chocolate Cherry Overnight Oats – Curated by Jennifer


Black Pepper Focaccia – Food Nutters


Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Leeks – New Classic Recipe


Air Fryer Pork Chops (no breading) – the Short Order Cook

Air Fryer Pork Chops (no breading) Plated and one chop sliced with seasonings in the background.

Are you ready to get cookin’ now?

Grab a button if you were featured and share it on your post!

dinner feature

And finally, it’s your turn to make us hungry! You can share up to FIVE recipes!!


Thank you for playing along!

And you can use our button on your side bar!


Note: By linking up you are giving the Lazy Gastronome permission to use your posts as future features on the blog. And thank you!

Please be sure to be adding a link to your post, not to your main blog page! Something you didn’t share this month would be great!

It’s time to start this party!
Spread the word.

And NOW –

Share your Recipes here!

We’ve got the answer to what’s for dinner!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Leave me a comment – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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13 Responses to What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #427

  1. Irene says:

    Hi, Helen; thank you so much for hosting all these wonderful parties, Happy WFDS anniversary!

  2. Jenna says:

    Thanks so much for the party Helen! Happy cooking!

  3. Thank you very much for hosting! May you have a blessed Sunday

    My entries this week = 12+13.

  4. Food nutters says:

    Thank you for featuring spicy black pepper focaccia. Your parties are so enjoyable that we are definitely coming back to see more of these. Hugs :)

    • HelenFern says:

      Thanks!! And your bread looks so perfect!! It’s been to hot to bake bread here, but I’m waiting for a cooler day to give this one a try! I LOVE black pepper!

  5. Leslie says:

    Thank you for hosting Helen, and congratulations on the anniversary! This is one of my favorite link-up parties and I love joining in each week.

  6. Pingback: What's for Dinner? Sunday Link up #428 - The Lazy GastronomeThe Lazy Gastronome

  7. Susan Ready says:

    is there a link for week of July 31? Nothing came to my mailbox on Sunday the 30th

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