What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #375

I hope everyone had a safe and delicious 4th of July – even if you don’t celebrate as a holiday! And it certainly is a kick off to the grilling season. We’ve had completely grilled dinners lately. Saves a lot on dishes and clean up!

What kind of meals do you make on these hot summer nights? Come to the party and tell us …

what's for dinner?

 So come on in and join the party – and bring your friends~

This is a collaboration of ideas ~ And we want yours! Bring your food related posts!

It’s What’s for Dinner!

So come on in and party with us!

Share as many as FIVE food related posts you haven’t shared recently (in the last month)!

Share to your blog (or vlog) post only, please- no instagram or facebook please.

             Please DO NOT link to Etsy or other sales sites or posts.

Links need to include a recipe or a link to the recipe.

 Here are the some delicious ideas that were shared last week (and not just for dinner!). You pick the winners just by visiting the page! 

 Please stop by and visit our featured bloggers. Show us your favorite by visiting their site – and next week might be you! It doesn’t have to be just for dinner.

Side Note: In order to be featured we must be able to copy your pictures to the post. We were unable to feature a couple of great recipes – Darn!!

Thank you everyone who shared your amazing dishes!! And a BIG thank you to everyone who took the time to visit other blogs. That’s what the party is all about!

Here are the top four most visited posts of last week, in no particular order –

Tangy Tequila Cucumber Corn Salad – Cindy’s Online Recipe Box



Gluten Free Rhubarb Crumble – My Gluten Free Cucina


Slow Cooker Chicken in Annatto Sauce – My Slice of Mexico


Grilled Caesar Salad (with homemade Croutons) – Drug Store Divas

Grilled Caesar Salad with homemade grilled croutons.

Are you ready to get cookin’ now?

Grab a button if you were featured and share it on your post!

The Lazy Gastronome - what's for dinner feature

And finally, it’s your turn to make us hungry! You can share up to FIVE recipes – but please remember, this is a food party only!!  And be sure to link to the website that has the recipe – no ETSY, Instagram or Pintrest, or other sales pages please.

dinner party guidelings

Commenting is not required to be featured, but I sure would love to hear from you!

Thank you for playing along!

And you can use our button on your side bar!

The Lazy Gastronome Dinner

Note: By linking up you are giving the Lazy Gastronome permission to use your posts as future features on the blog. And thank you!

Please be sure to be adding a link to your post, not to your main blog page! We want to see your fabulous recipes! Let’s build an amazing collection of RECIPES!

And now it’s time to start the recipe party! Spread the word.

And don’t forget to visit your favorites (a visit gives ’em a vote)! Those will be next weeks features!

We’ve got the answer to what’s for dinner!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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15 Responses to What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #375

  1. Cindy Handy says:

    THANK YOU for featuring my Tangy Tequila Cucumber Corn Salad! and thanks for all the time and trouble it takes to bring us this linky party each week ~ the perfect way to start off our week and help plan our menus. I hope you’re staying cool (not easy to do in our triple digit heat in Texas! 105 yesterday ~ but “cold front” coming and expected to “only” be 99 in a few days ~ haha) …..

    • HelenFern says:

      WOW that’s mighty hot!! We’ve been in the 80s and 90s. Not too bad. And thanks for sharing the salad!! Hope you have a fabulous week.

  2. Jenna says:

    Thanks so much Helen! Happy belated 4th and glad you are enjoying grilling, tis the season for sure!

  3. Leslie says:

    Thank you for hosting Helen and thank you for featuring my Gluten Free Rhubarb Crumble! For this week’s party I shared my Gluten Free Hamburger Buns, great for those of us who have to “BYOB – Bring your own Bun” to the family cookout!

    • HelenFern says:

      Thanks for sharing all your great foods. My nephew and his family came for the 4th – he has celiac so it was a BYOB at our house. Have a great week.

  4. Tamy says:

    Thank you for hosting a GREAT party. I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL week. I brought my TEX MEX BACON CHEESEBURGER BAKE, CORN SALSA SALAD and JALAPENO HONEY STICK WINGS

    • HelenFern says:

      Thanks Tamy – and I thanks for sharing at the party every week. You have some great recipes. Have a fabulous week.

  5. Irene says:

    Hi, Helen; grilling meals in the summer is always fun! Thank you for hosting another great party, and also for featuring my Slow Cooker Chicken in Annatto Sauce; this week I am sharing Garlic Scape Papatzules. Have a wonderful week!

    • HelenFern says:

      I love using garlic scapes!! Thanks for sharing your amazing dishes each week. Hope the weather isn’t melting you – have a great week.

  6. thanks for hosting the party this week! there are lots of posts I’m going to visit and pin. have a great week!

  7. Hi Helen! Thanks so much for the invite. I have this party on my list now for food related posts. Thanks so much for hosting. XO- MaryJo

  8. Pingback: Whole Wheat Brown Sugar Boba Pancakes - Magical Ingredients

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