What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #368

Do you ever feel like you’ve fallen so far behind you simply can’t catch it all up? I’m finally getting my asthma in check, but I had been coughing so hard and struggling to breath that I pulled a muscle in my back – right in the middle. But that’s not my problem.

My problem is keeping myself down to allow it to heal. I spent too much time in my garden yesterday – moving potting soil, planting, weeding, bending, pulling – I’m hurtin’ today.

So here I sit on a heating pad getting this party out late – again.

And so – here we go – show me some recipes to cook this week!!

what's for dinner?

 So come on in and join the party – and bring your friends~

This is a collaboration of ideas ~ And we want yours! Bring your food related posts!

It’s What’s for Dinner!

So come on in and party with us!

Share as many as FIVE food related posts you haven’t shared recently (in the last month)!

Share to your blog (or vlog) post only, please- no instagram or facebook please.

             Please DO NOT link to Etsy or other sales sites or posts.

Links need to include a recipe or a link to the recipe.

 Here are the some delicious ideas that were shared last week (and not just for dinner!). You pick the winners just by visiting the page! 

 Please stop by and visit our featured bloggers. Show us your favorite by visiting their site – and next week might be you! It doesn’t have to be just for dinner.

Side Note: In order to be featured we must be able to copy your pictures to the post. We were unable to feature a couple of great recipes – Darn!!

Thank you everyone who shared your amazing dishes!! And a BIG thank you to everyone who took the time to visit other blogs. That’s what the party is all about!

Here are the top four most visited posts of last week, in no particular order –

Pineapple Wine Cooler – The Kitchen is my Playground

Pineapple Wine Cooler Image


Spring Vegetables and Walleye Baked in Parchment Paper – Every Ready


Japanese Fried Tofu with Egg and Spring Onions – The Gluten Free Alchemist



Cabbage Fritter Gluten Free – Trick and Treat

Cabbage Fritters Gluten Free


Are you ready to get cookin’ now?

Grab a button if you were featured and share it on your post!

The Lazy Gastronome - what's for dinner feature

And finally, it’s your turn to make us hungry! You can share up to FIVE recipes – but please remember, this is a food party only!!  And be sure to link to the website that has the recipe – no ETSY, Instagram or Pintrest, or other sales pages please.

dinner party guidelings

Commenting is not required to be featured, but I sure would love to hear from you!

Thank you for playing along!

And you can use our button on your side bar!

The Lazy Gastronome Dinner

Note: By linking up you are giving the Lazy Gastronome permission to use your posts as future features on the blog. And thank you!

Please be sure to be adding a link to your post, not to your main blog page! We want to see your fabulous recipes! Let’s build an amazing collection of RECIPES!

And now it’s time to start the recipe party! Spread the word.

And don’t forget to visit your favorites (a visit gives ’em a vote)! Those will be next weeks features!

We’ve got the answer to what’s for dinner!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

  Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links through Amazon.com. If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission at no cost to you, but helps pay for my work. So thank you in advance!!


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13 Responses to What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #368

  1. Miz Helen says:

    Hope you have a fantastic week and thanks so much for the party! I can’t believe that Memorial Day is almost here already!
    Miz Helen

    • HelenFern says:

      I know!! The year went really fast!! Thanks for joining the party every week and sharing your fabulous food!!

  2. Irene says:

    Hi, Helen, thank you for hosting another awesome party; I am sharing Filipino Style String Bean Stew with Pork Rinds. I hope your back gets much better soon, take care and take it easy!

  3. Leslie says:

    Hope you can rest and feel better this week Helen, back pain is the worst! I have thrown my back out just from vacuuming! Thanks for hosting this party, I’ve shared my latest post, Gluten Free Shepherd’s Pie Ramekins!

    • HelenFern says:

      Thanks Leslie. That Shepherd’s pie looks fabulous!! Have a great weekend and see you at the party tomorrow.

  4. Thanks for including my Cabbage Fritters as one of most visited post and thanks for hosting. Am still not active as just had my eye operations recently…

    • HelenFern says:

      Thanks for sharing them!! They look fabulous!! Hang in there and get well. I’m learning trying to rush healing only makes things worse. Relax and get better.

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my Tofu recipe.
    And yes… Definitely feeling well behind at the moment. Take the time you need to regain control and get well lovely. When our bodies hurt, they are usually telling us to stop!
    Take care xx

    • HelenFern says:

      It certainly is!! I over did it yesterday – again. Thanks for sharing your amazing dishes every week. We’ll see you tomorrow!

  6. Sue Ready says:

    Thanks for the shout-out for Ever Ready fish dinner. So appreciative to be acknowledged.
    Hope you are feeling better.

  7. Pingback: Caramel Apple Pie Lassi - Magical Ingredients

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