What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #362

What crazy weather we’ve had! Just a couple of days ago it was a balmy 79 degrees out and sunny – today it’s raining and near freezing. They are saying it might even snow tonight!! Krike! I’m so ready for spring and my garden.

But we still need to plan those meals. What are your meals?

what's for dinner?

 And bring your friends~

This is a collaboration of ideas ~ And we want yours! Bring your food related posts!

It’s What’s for Dinner!

So come on in and party with us!

Share as many as FIVE food related posts you haven’t shared recently (in the last month)!

Share to your blog (or vlog) post only, please- no instagram or facebook please.

             Please DO NOT link to Etsy or other sales sites or posts.

Links need to include a recipe or a link to the recipe.

 Here are the some delicious ideas that were shared last week (and not just for dinner!). You pick the winners just by visiting the page! 

dinner features

 Please stop by and visit our featured bloggers. Show us your favorite by visiting their site – and next week might be you! It doesn’t have to be just for dinner.

Side Note: In order to be featured we must be able to copy your pictures to the post. We were unable to feature a couple of great recipes – Darn!!

Thank you everyone who shared your amazing dishes!! And a BIG thank you to everyone who took the time to visit other blogs. That’s what the party is all about!

Here are the top four most visited posts of last week, in no particular order –

Gluten Free Cabbage Soup – My Gluten Free Cucina


Boursin or Alouette Cheese Deviled Eggs – Happier than a Pig in Mud


Stacked Eggplant with Garlic Yogurt – Food for the Soul


Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze – The Kitchen is my Playground


Are you ready to get cookin’ now?

Grab a button if you were featured and share it on your post!

The Lazy Gastronome - what's for dinner feature

And finally, it’s your turn to make us hungry! You can share up to FIVE recipes – but please remember, this is a food party only!!  And be sure to link to the website that has the recipe – no ETSY, Instagram or Pintrest, or other sales pages please.

dinner party guidelings

Commenting is not required to be featured, but I sure would love to hear from you!

Thank you for playing along!

Also, you can put our button for your side bar!

The Lazy Gastronome Dinner
Note: By linking up you are giving the Lazy Gastronome permission to use your posts as future features on the blog. And thank you!

Please be sure to be adding a link to your post, not to your main blog page! We want to see your fabulous recipes! Let’s build an amazing collection of RECIPES!

And now it’s time to start the recipe party! Spread the word.

And don’t forget to visit your favorites (a visit gives ’em a vote)! Those will be next weeks features!

We’ve got the answer to what’s for dinner!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
#lazygastronome #whatsfordinner #recipecollection Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links through Amazon.com. If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!
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14 Responses to What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #362

  1. Leslie says:

    Thanks so much for the feature Helen!

  2. Hi, Helen! I am glad I am able to join this week. Thanks for the party. I hope you are enjoying your time.

    • HelenFern says:

      I’m glad too! I love your recipes. I am enjoying the start of spring (although today we just got a record breaking snow here!). Hope your week is fantastic.

  3. Miz Helen says:

    Thanks so much for a great party and you have a fantastic week!
    Miz Helen

  4. Tamy says:

    I love popping in here for the party. I always find such inspiring ideas and recipes. I brought CARNES ASADA, CARAMELIZED GRILL PINEAPPLE and BAKED PINEAPPLE SALMON to the party. I hope you have a FANTASTIC week.

  5. Pingback: Espresso Cookies with Mini Caramel Eggs - The Not So Creative Cook

  6. Pingback: Cadbury Mini Eggs Easter Cookies - The Not So Creative Cook

  7. Zeba Durrani says:

    Hi Helen – Thanks so much for the Stacked Eggplant feature….did not see it until today while browsing for recipes :) Happy Spring!!

  8. Pingback: What's for Dinner? Sunday link up #363 - The Lazy GastronomeThe Lazy Gastronome

  9. Pingback: Strawberry Salsa - Magical Ingredients

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