What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #171

Tonight is the night, when dead leaves fly; when witches on switches fly through the sky… It’s almost here! Your costumes are ready, your candy is ready, but you still have that nagging question …

  This is the place to answer that question! The home of a collection of fabulous recipes! A collaboration of ideas ~

It’s What’s for Dinner!

So come on in and party with us!

Share your latest and greatest recipes here – And tell your friends to share – We’re shooting for 100 entries!! Help us break our record!

               Remember, make sure there is an edible recipe in your post.                  (sadly it will be deleted if it doesn’t).

 Here are the most visited posts from last week:

 Please stop by and visit our featured bloggers – next week might be you! 

A great big thank you for visiting other posts! You folks were busy checking each other out – and that’s what a blog party is all about!

There were some fun ideas and delicious meals shared last week! Here are the top four –

How about a real simple One Pot Ragu with Italian Sausage to start the drum roll! Thanks to Ever Ready here it is!

I guess were on a mac and cheese roll this month. Here’s another delicious take on a classic dish from Flipped Out Food … One-Pot Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese!

One-Pot Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese: top view showing a cast-iron skillet full of the Buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese.

Here’s one to feed that taco craving – and it’s easy! Some Oven Baked Tacos from Blurred Living. Delicious!

Oven Taco Ready to Eat.jpg

For some Halloween fun – check out these really cute pretzels from the Monday Box – I love these Halloween Pretzels – Easy, Fast and Fun!

Halloween Pretzles

Now there’s some things for dinner!

So are you ready to get cookin’ now?

If you were featured we’d love it if you grabbed a button and shared it on your post!

The Lazy Gastronome

And now, it’s your turn to make us hungry!

Grab our button for your side bar!

The Lazy Gastronome


Note: By linking up you are giving the Lazy Gastronome permission to use your posts as future features on the blog. And thank you!

Please be sure to be adding a link to your post, not to your main blog page! We want to see your fabulous recipes! Let’s build an amazing collection of RECIPES!

And now it’s time to start the recipe party!

Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links through Amazon.com. If you purchase any of these products through these links, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for your support! And Amazon is a great place to shop!

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30 Responses to What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #171

  1. That pasta is seriously making me hungry! Thanks a lot for hosting, Helen. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. Marci says:

    Thank you for hosting this lovely party! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Pingback: Instant Pot Peach Oatmeal - The Speedy Spatula

  4. Pingback: Slow Cooker Holiday Ham - The Speedy Spatula

  5. Pingback: Slow Cooker Pot Roast - The Speedy Spatula

  6. Loving all of the fun, fall recipes! Hope you have a great week!

  7. I can’t believe Halloween is around the corner! That buffalo Mac and cheese looks yummy. My sister makes a really great buffalo chicken dip. I should tell her to combine it with Mac and cheese!

  8. Miz Helen says:

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for the party!
    Miz Helen

  9. Pingback: Tabbouleh – or The Sudden Parsley Harvest! | Of Goats and Greens

  10. Pingback: Unlaid Chicken Eggs: In Chicken Soup | Of Goats and Greens

  11. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for hosting. I love sharing with your readers and always find inspiration here. Have a blessed week! #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings

  12. Pingback: Apple Cider Doughnut Cake…Seriously Good! | A Day of Small Things…

  13. Wendy Sondov says:

    Thank you for featuring my Halloween Pretzels! Happy Halloween planning! So many delicious choices here! :)

  14. Beverly says:

    Thanks for the party, Helen. Hope you have a great week!

  15. Teresa says:

    Thank you for hosting!

  16. MarEliz says:

    Thank you so much for hosting. I brought my family’s newest apple of the eye, Yema Cake. Have a great weekend. See you again next week.

  17. Pingback: What's for Dinner? Sunday Link up #172 - The Lazy GastronomeThe Lazy Gastronome

  18. Pingback: what can you do with unlaid eggs – BISTROLAFOLIE

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