What’s for Dinner – Sunday link up #121

It’s getting colder and seems like winter is coming early this  year.  So how do we answer that question,

What's for Dinner-

 Here is a collection of fabulous recipes!  A collaboration of ideas ~

So come on in and party with us!

Share your latest and greatest recipes here –   Feel free to post linkys that are food related  as well!

Please remember to visit at least two posts for every one you share – it just takes a minute!

 Here are the most visited posts from last week:

 Please stop by and visit our featured bloggers – next week might be you!

Thank you everyone that stopped by and visited – there were a lot of clicks!  The top four were….

Love Lines from God hit the top four again – in fact – it as number one!  Check out this Broccoli and Potato soup!  Perfect for cold weather!

And speaking of potatoes – how about these delicious Dairy-Free Mashed Potatoes with Caramelized Onions.  Delicious from All That’s Jas!

Dairy free , vegan mashed potatoes with caramelized onions are full of flavor, and made in only 30 minutes.

Here is another one that utilizes that wonderful slow cooker!  Play Dates and Parties shared 17 Slow Cooker Dinners!

Slow cooker dinner recipes are one of the best ways to take the stress out of busy weeknights. But they don't have to be boring, either! These 17 #crockpot #recipes are easy to make and will add great variety to your weekly meal plan!

And for dessert…. Thanks Jay Tried and True for these amazing Hot Chocolate Cookies!

If you were featured make sure you grab a button and share it on your post!

The Lazy Gastronome

And now, it’s your turn to make us hungry!
Let’s get started on another deliciously fun party!

But  Please don’t party and run!!  Visit and leave a comment for at least two other posts for each you share.  That way we can support each other  – I try to visit every post (my slow, old computer has been making that difficult lately, so if I miss you, that’s why!)

And don’t forget to leave a comment – I love hearing from you!

There are only Four rules –

  1. Please Only food related posts that  include recipes  or links to recipes! (Sadly, all non food posts or posts without recipes will be deleted).   
  2. Please do not post anything that includes items for purchase!  Do not share posts that focus on sales of any kind.
  3. Please don’t post this week the same thing you posted last week – Make sure you post something NEW – Something you haven’t shared here in six months or so…
  4. Visit some of the other party goers!!  That’s what makes it a party!

Grab our button for your side bar!

The Lazy Gastronome


Note:  By linking up you are giving the Lazy Gastronome permission to use your posts as future features on the blog.  And thank you!

Please be sure to be adding a link to your post, not to your main blog page!  We want to see your fabulous recipes!  Let’s build an amazing collection!

Also – I try to go to every blog and leave a comment.  If I can’t get past the pop up ads or pop up subscribe requests, I won’t be able to comment.  But know I thank you for sharing your amazing recipes.

And now it’s time to party!


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18 Responses to What’s for Dinner – Sunday link up #121

  1. I thought it was getting cold here and was drinking hot chocolate like a champ, but now all of a sudden it’s jumped back up into the 80s! I’ll have to save some of these hot recipes for when cooler weather comes back again!

  2. Miz Helen says:

    Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks so much for the awesome party!
    Miz Helen

  3. Thanks for hosting! Have a great week

  4. Thank you for hosting another inspirational party! Enjoy your week.

  5. Thanks for the party! Have a blessed week!

  6. Pingback: {Whole30} Tahini-Marinated Chicken with Cucumber and Tomato Salad – thenotsocreativecook

  7. Hello, Helen. I don’t think my comment went through. Thank you so much for the party! Have a great week!

  8. Pingback: Carrot and Dates Cake – thenotsocreativecook

  9. We’re always excited to join your lovely party. Thank you!

  10. Pingback: Moroccan Meatballs and Giant Couscous - Proper Foodie

  11. Pingback: Carrot and Dates Cake - The Not So Creative Cook

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