Top Ten Posts of 2022

And the winners of the Top Ten, Most Popular Posts of 2022 are…

Another trip around the sun – and boy has it been a year! It started out from the first day with a split tooth requiring oral surgery – and went downhill from there!! But all of you stuck with me – sharing at the party, visiting posts, leaving great comments – and I really do appreciate that!

And now – here are the top ten!

These links are for the top 10 most visited posts of 2022 – Some new, some old – all having a lot of visitors this last year alone!  And some of them are repeat winners from previous years!! (Note – stats are for 2022 only!)

Take a look, see if you missed anything?

And let us know in the comments which recipe was your favorite – on the list or not!

This top post is an old one – again this year with over 5,000 visits  – North Dakota Cheese Buttons.

top ten North Dakota


  Ribs – Carolina, Memphis or St. Louis – What’s the Difference? – Fall of the bone tenderness!  And in no particular order,


Maryland Crab Cakes – Deep Fried Perfection!

top ten


Those state foods seem to be popular!  Iowa – Maid Rite Loose Meat Sandwich

top ten


This sandwich is a handful! Quite Literally – the Delaware Bobbie!

top ten


Easy and delicious – Oven Smoked Ribs



Fried Jalapeño – one of my own all-time favorites!

top ten


And another amazing sandwich – The Connecticut Steamed Cheese Burger.


Slow Cooker Beef Shanks with Potatoes and Onions – Easy and delicious!

Slow Cooked Beef Shanks with Potatoes and Onions


And number ten is another slow cooker recipe; Slow Cooker Oxtails and Potatoes!

So there you have the top ten most visited posts of 2022! Hope you found something here to enjoy. And I hope you’ll be back again and again.

Happy New Year!

© Copyright 2023 The Lazy Gastronome

Leave me a comment – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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10 Responses to Top Ten Posts of 2022

  1. Joanne says:

    What yummy recipes! I sure hope 2023 treats you well!!

  2. Alexandra says:

    Hi Helen, and a very Happy New Year to you!
    What a delicious collection of recipes you have put together –
    The Fried Jalapeño in particular caught my eye, and I will definitely be giving them a try soon!
    All the best for a delicious 2023!

    • HelenFern says:

      Thanks Alexandra! Glad you found something of interest – and that Jalapeño is quite good!! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Kayla DiMaggio says:

    All of these sound absolutely delicious! I can’t wait to try!

  4. Nora says:

    Thank you for sharing this lovely recipe collection! Happy New Year!

  5. Nancy says:

    Nice round up of your top posts. It’s a nice way to review what you’ve done throughout the year!

  6. Melinda says:

    A great collection of recipes for the new year. I love the variety, and will add the crab cakes to my dinner rotation. I love anything cooked with Old Bay Seasoning and that recipe looks like a winner!

  7. Debra says:

    Ooh. So many great ideas here for dinner! So helpful to have these in one place to bookmark and refer to.

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