National Pack your Lunch Day!

Today is National Pack your lunch day –

Always celebrated on March 10. It’s a day to think about the benefits of bringing your lunch with you. First, you know exactly what’s in it. You can make healthier choices and enjoy the benefits of eating well. Second, it’s a lot cheaper to bring your own than to eat out.

Being that today is Saturday, you could pack a lunch and head off to the park and enjoy the fresh, Spring air. Or you can start planning what you’ll bring for lunch next week. I love my bento boxes. Here are some ideas for things to put in them.

Now lets start packing!

Use a coffee filter to separate your items that you might not want too much moisture on. I’ve put cheese, deli ham and whole grain crackers in the filter. Add some sugar snap peas, mixed berries & pineapple and some Greek yogurt with pomegranate seeds. Voila! It’s lunch!

I the big area of the box, I’ve made up a tuna sandwich with iceberg lettuce. The side boxes have mixed fruit and carrot sticks. You could include a little cup of hummus too!

Half of the sandwich has mayonnaise and cucumber, the other half shredded chicken breast – I put them together when I ate them.
In the smaller bowls there’s cucumber, cherry tomatoes and carrot sticks beside Greek yogurt with mixed berries and pomegranate seeds.

One of my favorites! Orange grape tomatoes next to a cupcake liner of crackers. Plain Greek yogurt with blueberries (you can add some honey too if you like). In the bigger cup here is lox (smoked salmon), cucumbers, green olives, a pickled egg cut in half, some chili peppers and four dolmas (seasoned rice stuffed into grape leaves). When I eat this lunch I feel like I’ve taken myself out for a treat!

So fill your bento box and enjoy!

© Copyright 2018 The Lazy Gastronome


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7 Responses to National Pack your Lunch Day!

  1. It is a lot healthier, isn’t it? My husband and I have recently retired, but we used to take a rotisserie chicken and share with co-workers or keep it in the fridge at work and eat it for several days. You can make a sandwich one day, roll in tortillas or pair with a salad. We still get a lot of mileage out of one. I even make soup with the bones and what meat is left on them.

  2. Elise Ho says:

    It’s so awesome…there is a day for a focus on every possible thing. I work primarily from home though…no need to pack my lunch.

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