Tag Archives: watermelon

Minty Watermelon Granita

We had a party for the 4th of July. I bought a big watermelon – I mean what’s a summer bbq without it? Needless to say I had a full half a melon left for the two of us – … Continue reading

Posted in granita, Sweet Treats | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Got 4th of July Leftovers? Here are some ideas

First – sorry this post is so late!! My website was having problems and I couldn’t get on to post!! But it’s back!! The 4th of July is over. Did you have a party or go to one? We had … Continue reading

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Watermelon Pickles

I love pickles of any kind. When I first tasted watermelon rind that had been pickled I loved it, but I could never find a recipe that tasted like the ones I had. So with much experimentation (and several complete … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizers, Condiments | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Watermelon Pops

Nothing says refreshing like cold watermelon on a hot day – unless it’s FROZEN watermelon!  These pops are super easy and keep for weeks in the freezer! What you need:

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Sweet Treats, Watermelon | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments