Tag Archives: waffle

Sourdough Waffle with Smoked Trout, caper butter & lemony cream cheese

I love sourdough! These waffles are so easy to make and are perfect with the smoked trout, caper butter and lemony cream cheese. I thought we’d have some left – but my husband ate a lot!!

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Fall Apple Pecan Waffles

You know it’s fall when all the apples start showing up at the farm stands and farmer’s markets. We have a nursery/farm near us that grows several varieties – and they are all so amazing. My favorite is honey crisp … Continue reading

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Banana Nut Waffles

What do you do with bananas that are starting to get over-ripe. You can freeze them to use at another time (and then forget about them like I did), you can make banana nut bread, freeze them overnight, then whirl … Continue reading

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International Waffle Day! A Post full of Pockets!

Who doesn’t love a waffle? You can make them sweet or savory – Breakfast, lunch or dinner – and all things in between. Waffles have those little pockets that hold all the deliciousness you put on top making every bite … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Brunch, Collection | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Maple Bacon Sourdough Waffles

I’ve discovered the deliciousness of sourdough – and the simplicity of making it. I’ve always shied away because it seemed to complicated and labor intensive, but I am here, as the lazy gastronome, to tell you it is not! Since … Continue reading

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