Tag Archives: turkey

The Delaware Bobbie

I’ve been watching a show that travels from state to state creating a plate of food that is iconic for that state. It’s been pretty interesting learning about the agriculture and food history, but they don’t have any recipes and … Continue reading

Posted in Sandwich | Tagged , , , , , | 23 Comments

Let’s Talk Turkey – Leftovers that is.

Thanksgiving is over. I hope you and your family had a wonderful, relaxing day. And I bet  you have some turkey leftovers! What to do with all those left overs? Well, here are some ideas.

Posted in Recipe Collections | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Turkey Hash – Not just for Breakfast Anymore!

We smoked a turkey a few weeks ago. There was so much we froze a large part of it. But you can only eat so many turkey sandwiches! So for dinner we put together this delicious turkey hash. You can … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Brunch, Casseroles, Turkey | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Curried Smoked Turkey Salad in Avocado

My husband smoked a turkey a few days ago. We have so much I’m not sure what to do with it all! We put some in the freezer and I made this delicious curried salad for my lunch. It was … Continue reading

Posted in avocado, Fruits and Vegetables, Main dish, Salads, Thai, Turkey | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

MLT – Meatloaf, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich

I like meatloaf. It’s a great comfort food. But the best part of meatloaf are the sandwiches made from the leftovers. But why wait for the leftovers? Make the meatloaf specifically for sandwiches!! And if you add some avocado, you … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish, Sandwich | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments