Tag Archives: salad

Grilled Chicken Salad

This hot weather we’ve been having calls for cold meals! But when I get home from work I want something that is also filling and satisfying. This salad fits the bill! You can make the chicken ahead and just store … Continue reading

Posted in Chicken, Main dish, Salads | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Persimmon & Tangerine Salad

I love the fuji persimmon – the ones with the flat bottom that you eat skin and all. Sadly, their season is short. But there are still a few out there and here is a great way to use them!

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Avocado and Mango Salsa

A delicious salty sweet salsa is great with chips, over meat, or even in a salad!  It’s super simple and can be made up in about 15 minutes – and even though you’ll be tempted to eat it right away, please … Continue reading

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Fresh Citrus Salad

I love citrus.  This salad combines three delicious citrus fruits with a touch of dressing and a dash of sweet raspberries.  A refreshing addition to any meal!

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Salads | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Caesar Salad with Homemade Croutons

A Caesar salad goes great with a good steak – or chicken, pork chops – even all by itself if you’re only a little bit hungry! The Caesar salad has been around for a while.  It is believed to have been … Continue reading

Posted in Salads, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments