Tag Archives: recipes

What’s For Dinner? Sunday Link up #67

I’m late – I’m late!!  This party is getting started late!!  It’s been the week from…well, it’s been a very busy week.   First I had computer problems (like no connection to the internet thanks to corroded wires outside), been … Continue reading

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A Whole Lot’a Pumpkins Goin’ On!

In 2014 the United States grew nearly 2 BILLION pumpkins.  And we ate less than 1/3 of all that fiber rich food full of potassium and beta carotene!  How many people could we have fed with all that went into … Continue reading

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Pumpkin | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #65

“Hey mom!  What’s for Dinner?”  You’ve heard it – then you wonder, what is for dinner…. Well here is the place to find the answers to that age old question! Share your latest and greatest recipes here – All meal or … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #64

“Hey mom!  What’s for Dinner?”  You’ve heard it – then you wonder, what is for dinner…. Well here is the place to find the answers to that age old question! Share your latest and greatest recipes here – All meal or … Continue reading

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Taco Tuesday No. 2

Who likes tacos?  Maybe the question should be who doesn’t like tacos??  Well lets start a new party – A taco party!

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