Tag Archives: recipes

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #131

Happy Sunday – I don’t know about you but I’ve been crazy busy! It’s so hard to get everything in. You finally have a moment to put your feet up when you hear….  Here is a collection of fabulous recipes! … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #130

It’s 2018 – a great new year with plenty of adventures ahead. Here’s wishing you all a fantastic year, and, by the way…  Here is a collection of fabulous recipes! A collaboration of ideas ~ It’s What’s for Dinner! So … Continue reading

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Top Ten Recipes of 2017

What a great year we had!  So many visitors and supporters.  To you we say: THANK YOU!   Here are recipes for the top ten most visited posts of 2017 – If you’re looking for something great to cook that’s easy, … Continue reading

Posted in Beef, Casseroles, Chicken, Fruits and Vegetables, Main dish, Main dish, Mexican, Side Dishes, Soup, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #129

It’s New Year’s Eve – Tomorrow is a brand new year! It’s a new beginning. A time to reflect on the year gone by and the year ahead. And it’s still time to consider…  Here is a collection of fabulous … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #128

It’s Christmas Eve – I’m sure the next couple of days the meals are planned and probably even prepped.  But when all the festivities are over and life starts moving along more normally, do you know  Here is a collection … Continue reading

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