Tag Archives: recipe

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #480

I’m planning what’s for dinner this week. It’s too hot to cook, so what do you suggest? Help me plan some meals! I love lazy summer afternoons. I love to sit on the deck, looking out at our completely imperfect … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner – Sunday link up #210

What’s for Dinner?? The weather this summer has certainly been crazy – cold and rainy one day and hot and humid the next. You plan a barbecue and end up grilling in the rain. (Wasn’t that a song? oh no … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner – Sunday Link up #197

  Let me start by saying Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all who celebrate – and after all the celebrations are over, when life settles into the normal routine (I’m finding normal is relevant), we’re back to pondering that … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #168

It’s officially fall. The leaves are starting to turn, apples and pumpkins are all over the place. And everyone is feeling the brisk air. But you and me? Well, we’re trying to answer the question that plagues us daily. You … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #127

Christmas is just one week away! Where did the time go. I’ve got parties to make treats for, some shopping to finish, presents to wrap… And by the way…  Here is a collection of fabulous recipes! A collaboration of ideas … Continue reading

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