Tag Archives: open-faced

Kentucky Hot Browns – A Traditional Kentucky Derby Sandwich

The Kentucky Derby! First held at Churchill Downs, Kentucky, in 1875. Since then it’s become a celebrated event that happens every year – with just two cancellations. The first time, in 1945 when the horses were being reserved for military … Continue reading

Posted in Sandwich | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

Rotisserie Chicken – 3 Things to do with it

What a week – I’ve been so sick I don’t even want to cook. Thank heavens for rotisserie chicken! You know – that chicken that comes cooked and juicy? We never eat a whole one, so there are leftovers to … Continue reading

Posted in Chicken, Collection, Main dish, Main dish, Sandwich, Soup | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Chicken Tartine with Arugula & Tangerine Vinaigrette

What is a tartine you ask? A tartine is a French, open-faced sandwich. In other words, there is only one slice of bread. That means fewer carbs and fewer calories and, if you’re on Weight Watchers like me, fewer points! … Continue reading

Posted in Chicken, Main dish, Sandwich | Tagged , , , , , , , | 13 Comments