Tag Archives: mint

Minty Watermelon Granita

We had a party for the 4th of July. I bought a big watermelon – I mean what’s a summer bbq without it? Needless to say I had a full half a melon left for the two of us – … Continue reading

Posted in granita, Sweet Treats | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Lemon Mint Vinaigrette

Mother’s day is this Sunday. Are you planning anything special? A mother’s day brunch? Or perhaps a mother’s day tea? In either case, a salad with crispy butter lettuce and this bright, lemony mint vinaigrette.

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Virgin Mojito – National Mojito Day

InIt’ National Mojito Day. This delicious lime, mint, rum and sweetness is ranked the country’s favorite summer drink. But what if you don’t want the alcohol? Well fear not!! You can make it just as delicious without the booze! The … Continue reading

Posted in Beverage, Cold - alcohol free | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Grilled Lamb Burgers

Looking for a quick and delicious meal that’s a little different than normal? How about these delicious, flavorful lamb burgers? Goes great with the melon and avocado salad on the side and it’s dinner!!

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Mojito Glazed Salmon

I saw this dish on a menu years ago. It didn’t describe it, only that it was “glazed with mojito flavors and grilled”. Hmmm. I’ve been mulling this idea in my head and one day decided to do it. I … Continue reading

Posted in Fish, Main dish | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments