Tag Archives: lunch

Papaya Stuffed with Curried Shrimp

I had a similar papaya years ago in Laguna Beach. It took me awhile to figure out what all was in it, but I managed to create my own version of a delicious summer lunch. You could also use chicken … Continue reading

Posted in Brunch, Main dish, papaya, Shellfish, shrimp | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Picnic Time!

It’s that time of year where we pack a picnic basket and head off to the park or the beach for a family meal. Sometimes it’s all packed in the basket and ready to eat, other times it includes a … Continue reading

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International Waffle Day! A Post full of Pockets!

Who doesn’t love a waffle? You can make them sweet or savory – Breakfast, lunch or dinner – and all things in between. Waffles have those little pockets that hold all the deliciousness you put on top making every bite … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Brunch, Collection | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #238

What’s for Dinner? Happy Groundhog’s day! Today is the day that Punxsutawney Phil tells us what the next six weeks will bring. It’s also the day that our weather-predicting pygmy hedgehog, Nancy, tells us whats up on this side of … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #219

A crazy week at work – short staffed, new hire a no show, fussy kids – Ahhhhh – and now it’s the weekend. The glorious time for me days. And one of my favorite things to do is create in … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments