Tag Archives: linky

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #70

It’s a recipe party! It’s the beginning of the holiday season.  Just a little over a week until Thanksgiving!!  Need some more ideas?  Have some to share? And what about the days before the holiday – What’s for Dinner?” Here … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #69

It’s a recipe party! It’s the beginning of the holiday season.  One of my pet peeves is the jump from Halloween to Christmas, bypassing the holiday the centers on the joy of being thankful for all that we already have. … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Recipe Link up #68

It’s a recipe party! And I’m late – Again!  But it sure was an amazing party last week!!  Thanks to everyone who joined! So, here’s the burning question, What’s for Dinner?” Here is the place to find the answers to that … Continue reading

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What’s For Dinner? Sunday Link up #67

I’m late – I’m late!!  This party is getting started late!!  It’s been the week from…well, it’s been a very busy week.   First I had computer problems (like no connection to the internet thanks to corroded wires outside), been … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Linkup #66

“Hey mom!  What’s for Dinner?”  You’ve heard it – then you wonder, what is for dinner…. Here is the place to find the answers to that age-old question! And with Halloween just around the corner – and Thanksgiving close behind … Continue reading

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