Tag Archives: linky

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #171

Tonight is the night, when dead leaves fly; when witches on switches fly through the sky… It’s almost here! Your costumes are ready, your candy is ready, but you still have that nagging question …   This is the place … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #170

Can you believe it? It’s almost Halloween!! This year has flown by faster than lightening! The busy time of year is rapidly approaching – and in spite of all those things we need to do, we still have to figure … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #169

It’s getting cold and rainy – and I love it! I sat on my couch with the windows open listening to the pounding raining and the wind blowing through the trees. It was wonderfully relaxing and invigorating at the same … Continue reading

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National Taco Day

It’s National taco day! And who doesn’t love a good taco? There are so many different variations and inspirations. Today is the day to celebrate that hand held wonder! Tacos are so popular in the US that we ate more … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #168

It’s officially fall. The leaves are starting to turn, apples and pumpkins are all over the place. And everyone is feeling the brisk air. But you and me? Well, we’re trying to answer the question that plagues us daily. You … Continue reading

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