Tag Archives: linky

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #254

We didn’t have very many visitors last week. Everyone must be busy getting things done! It’s been all rain here all week except yesterday. I’ve been sitting around in lazy mode! Time to get off my laurels and moving. The … Continue reading

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National Pick Strawberries Day – Strawberry Round Up.

Yesterday was National pick strawberries day. They aren’t really ready here in Oregon, but it won’t be long. I’ve got a few plants in my garden and they are loaded but not ripe. They are, however, ripening in their ruby … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #252

First of all – Happy Mother’s Day! It’s looking like we might be released from captivity soon. The state of Oregon is working toward reopening the economy and Child Care may be going back the end of the month. I … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #251

I’ve been working so hard in my yard I took yesterday off. And boy did I take yesterday off! I did nothing. I read. Laid on my bed. Watched the rain. And nothing got done – including the party!! So … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #250

How is everyone managing captivity? I look forward to things opening up again, but I have to say I look forward with some apprehension. But for now, here we are trying to figure out what to do, how not to … Continue reading

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