Tag Archives: linky

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #376

“Summer time – and the living is easy…” A great song that really says summer – slow and easy. And when the days are slow and easy, you need something easy to cook for dinner. Any ideas? Share them here … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #375

I hope everyone had a safe and delicious 4th of July – even if you don’t celebrate as a holiday! And it certainly is a kick off to the grilling season. We’ve had completely grilled dinners lately. Saves a lot … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #374

Holy Moly – It’s July 3rd already? I’m still waiting for my garden to grow. It hasn’t been warm enough for long enough – but I do have some tomatoes and peppers – and LOTS of raspberries. How does your … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #373

It’s officially summer!! The days are starting to get shorter. The day of the summer solstice we got warm weather here!! I’m so excited my garden is finally growing. Can you believe the 4th of July is just a week … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner – Sunday Link up #372

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads and father figures!! It’s still cool and wet here. I’m starting to think the veggie garden isn’t going to make it!! Everything is begging for sun. Thank heavens for Farmer’s Market!! Are you … Continue reading

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