Tag Archives: linky

What’s for Dinner – Sunday Link up #392

Finally getting over this cold (that I shared with my husband) and my wrist is coming along nicely. The weather is getting cold and blustery and I’m looking forward to the holidays! How about you? Are you starting your planning? … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #391

When it rains it pours! Its been quite a month! Surgery, therapy, and now the worst cold (or flu?) I’ve had in more than five years!! And once again – the party is late. SO – Let’s get cooking! What’s … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #390

Surprise! I’m late again! I can type again, very slowly. I got the post all ready, saved it, then forgot to schedule it! So when I woke up at 5am and thought, Oh No – I jumped up to find … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #389

Its already Sunday again! I’m getting used to using only one hand and moving slowly. I have a whole list of things I want to create when I have two hands again! But, until then I’m looking for easy things … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner Sunday Linkup #388

Good morning and sorry I’m late again. Had surgery on my wrist and had a few struggles with that. It’s taking me some time to shake all the drugs they put in my body. Working up getting more energy and … Continue reading

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