Tag Archives: leftovers

Corned Beef Hash from Leftovers

I love hash. Any kind of hash. But my favorite is corned beef hash. I know a lot of people who cook corned beef for St. Patrick’s day dinner, but often have a lot left over. Sandwiches are great, but … Continue reading

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Leftover Pot Roast Hash

If you have any leftover pot roast (I prefer beef but the elk from last week will work too), it makes a wonderfully flavorful hash for breakfast! It’s really fast and easy and everyone will love it! Here’s How to … Continue reading

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Potted Pork – A great use of leftovers!

This delicious spread is great on crackers or sliced baguette. It works as a sandwich spread too! A super easy and wonderfully tasteful way to use any left over pork too! This recipe uses ghee. Ghee is a highly clarified … Continue reading

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Let’s Talk Turkey – Leftovers that is.

Thanksgiving is over. I hope you and your family had a wonderful, relaxing day. And I bet  you have some turkey leftovers! What to do with all those left overs? Well, here are some ideas.

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Leftover Ham Recipes

What to do with all that ham? Easter is over and I made way too much ham!! Some will go in the freezer, some will become sandwiches, and some will be used in other ways. Here are a few ideas … Continue reading

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