Tag Archives: leftovers

Got 4th of July Leftovers? Here are some ideas

First – sorry this post is so late!! My website was having problems and I couldn’t get on to post!! But it’s back!! The 4th of July is over. Did you have a party or go to one? We had … Continue reading

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Chicken Noodle Casserole – A Leftover Creation

As usual, I made way too much food on the 4th of July! Only one person even touched the chicken! (Can’t say the same for the ribs – LOL). I wanted to use some of the leftovers but I didn’t … Continue reading

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Ham and Swiss Noodle Casserole

It’s been a wild couple of weeks at our house – bathroom renovations, new heater installed, spring garden planning… So finding something quick and easy for dinner was important. I had some ham left in the freezer and a few … Continue reading

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Three Meals for Two from One Chicken – Chicken, Penne and Sun-dried Tomato Casserole

Yesterday we grilled the chicken. Today we’ll use half of the breast to make this delicious casserole. It has pasta, sun-dried tomatoes, basil and pine nuts – baked with mozzarella and a deliciously simple parmesan sauce. You ready?

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Three Meals for Two from One Chicken – Grilling the Bird

Cooking for two is very different than cooking for a family. And the older we get, the less we eat. But we get tired of eating the leftovers as they were when they were first served. Well, one chicken makes … Continue reading

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