Tag Archives: garlic

Roasted Garlicky Pork

We put garlic in everything. The more garlicky the better! My grandfather used to poke 20 or 30 wholes in a pork roast and push a whole clove of garlic in there! Then he roast it for hours until the … Continue reading

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Garlicky Stuffed Mushrooms

I love mushrooms. I made these mushrooms as an appetizer for my husband and myself. It was our anniversary and we stayed home and ate appetizers and drank champagne. We each made a few appetizers and this one was my … Continue reading

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Dad’s Czech Potatoes

My dad used to make these super easy potatoes with breakfast every Sunday. He called them Czech potatoes because that’s how grandpa made them – and my grandparents were Czechoslovakian. I’m not sure how authentically Czech they are, but they … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Brunch, Potatoes, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Chicken Tartine with Arugula & Tangerine Vinaigrette

What is a tartine you ask? A tartine is a French, open-faced sandwich. In other words, there is only one slice of bread. That means fewer carbs and fewer calories and, if you’re on Weight Watchers like me, fewer points! … Continue reading

Posted in Chicken, Main dish, Sandwich | Tagged , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

Garlic and Roquefort Polenta with Eggs and Sausage

Today is “Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day”.  What could be bolder and more pungent than lots of garlic and blue cheese? If you’re looking to keep your breath sweet, this is not the dish for you.  If you looking … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Brunch, Main dish | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments