Tag Archives: garlic

Caramelized Onion Flat Bread Pizza

We like pizza at our house, but we like it different. My husband likes massive amounts of cheese, pepperoni, anchovies and anything else he can find that looks good. I like it simple. Just a touch of cheese, some caramelized … Continue reading

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Easy Chicken Shawarma

It’s National Shawarma Day! A day to celebrate the middle-eastern meats, bursting with warm and smoky aromas that fill your mouth with delight! Originating in Turkey, shawarma means to turn. Traditionally various meats were marinated in spices and cooked slowly … Continue reading

Posted in Chicken, Main dish, Middle Eastern | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Elephant Toes – Baked Elephant Garlic

I love elephant garlic. It’s flavor is mild, but rich and it goes great in just about any savory dish. But elephant garlic isn’t really garlic at all. Elephant garlic is part of the wild leek family. Although not an … Continue reading

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Roasted Tomatoes and Garlic Pasta

My neighbor gave me a box full of tomatoes. There are only two of us, so I needed to do something with them – now. I made some tomato sauce (come back on Saturday for the recipe) and this delicious … Continue reading

Posted in Pasta, Side Dishes, Tomatoes | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Braised Pork Butt with Potatoes

This roast is so easy and makes the house smell amazing!! A perfect choice for Sunday dinner – add a side veggie or a salad – Voila! But first, let me explain a little about braising. Very simply, braised meat … Continue reading

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