Tag Archives: garden

The Essence of Summer Tea – Making your own herbal teas

I have several kinds of herbs in my garden. Some are for cooking and some are for teas. I love to put together my own flavors and, as summer comes to a close, what better time to create those delicious … Continue reading

Posted in Beverage | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Mom’s Fried Green Tomatoes

The weather is supposed to get colder and the tomatoes have slowed ripening. The vine is full of green tomatoes. I could put them in the windowsill to turn red, but my mom used to fry them up. I grew … Continue reading

Posted in Side Dishes, Vegetables | Tagged , , , | 12 Comments

Roasted Garden Vegetables

Who knew you could be so busy after retirement!! Well, throw back Thursday will come back next week. A little behind on everything. I’ve been working on my little garden. Fall is on us and many things are wrapping up … Continue reading

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Side Dishes, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Greens, Sausage and Potato Bake

I love my garden. I love harvesting vegetables and making a meal using them. This dish came from a great day of harvesting greens and potatoes. And it was delicious!

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Roasted Tomato Sauce for the Freezer

As I mentioned in my last post, my neighbor gave me a box full of tomatoes. I used most of them to make some roasted tomato sauce – I kept some and gave some to them. And it is delicious. … Continue reading

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