Tag Archives: corn

Mexican Style Beef and Bean Soup

It’s slow cooker season! I cleaned out the freezer and pantry and put together this amazingly good soup! Just dump in the ingredients and go. Some light prep when you get home and it’s dinner!

Posted in Main dish, Soup | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

It’s National Corn on the Cob Day!

Corn on the Cob day? Yep. A special day to celebrate that summer treat we all look forward to. Grilled, roasted, or boiled, these golden gems grace our barbecue parties, picnics and dining room tables. So what’s the best way … Continue reading

Posted in Corn, Fruits and Vegetables | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Southwestern Pasta Salad with Chipotle Dressing

Summer just seems to ask for Southwestern foods.  That slightly spicy flavor that blends with all those fresh vegetables.  I know it’s not summer yet, but we’ve had some hot days here in Oregon that have made me get excited … Continue reading

Posted in Pasta, Salads, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Corn Chowder

There was so much amazing corn this year, I froze a lot!  But now what?  You can only eat so many bowls of buttered corn!  How about Corn Chowder?? Combining hunter bacon (a thick chunk of Polish bacon, full of … Continue reading

Posted in Corn, Fruits and Vegetables, Side Dish, Soup | Tagged , , , , | 15 Comments

Spanish Style Corn on the Cob

Summer corn direct on the grill. I love smoky flavors and Spanish smoked paprika is one of them – rubbed in and grilled on….

Posted in Corn, Fruits and Vegetables, Internationally Inspired, Side Dishes, Spanish, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments