Tag Archives: blog hops

What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #408

What a wild weather ride recently! Portland, Oregon got over 10 inches of snow!! Here where I live we got less than an inch – and now I’m at the beach taking a much needed break from the routine. My … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #405

February is coming in with the sun!! It’s been wonderful. We’ve been enjoying lots of homemade soups, pasta casseroles, all that delicious comfort food. I’m still waiting for just one snow day, but we’ll see. While I wait for that … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #401

We are one week into 2023 and so far it’s been pretty good. I’m still hoping for snow (not ice). I’ve started planning my garden for this year and am excited to try to grow some new vegetables! And one … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #391

When it rains it pours! Its been quite a month! Surgery, therapy, and now the worst cold (or flu?) I’ve had in more than five years!! And once again – the party is late. SO – Let’s get cooking! What’s … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #390

Surprise! I’m late again! I can type again, very slowly. I got the post all ready, saved it, then forgot to schedule it! So when I woke up at 5am and thought, Oh No – I jumped up to find … Continue reading

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