Tag Archives: blog hop

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #480

I’m planning what’s for dinner this week. It’s too hot to cook, so what do you suggest? Help me plan some meals! I love lazy summer afternoons. I love to sit on the deck, looking out at our completely imperfect … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #479

It’s July and it’s hot. The challenge is to make a dinner that everyone wants to eat, but has little prep and clean up. Who wants to do chores after dinner on a hot, sweltering day? Not me! Show us … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner – Sunday Link up #478

Can you believe the 4th of July is this Thursday? That went fast! Are you planning a party? What are you serving for dinner?  Well come on in and share your ideas – or find a recipe that will be … Continue reading

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What’s for DInner? Sunday link up #476

It’s What’s for Dinner time! Do you have a great recipe you want to share – or maybe you’re looking for a new recipes for dinner? You’ve come to the right place.  Check out the amazing food that people are … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link-up #474

It’s What’s for Dinner time! June? It’s June? Summer is trying to start here, but the cooler temps and rainy days have won more than they’ve lost. But we’re having more and more warmer days.  I got the grill cleaned … Continue reading

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