Tag Archives: autumn

Pumpkin and Pork Stew

Pumpkin and Pork Stew It’s pumpkin season and there is a lot more things you can do besides make pie or muffins!  How about a stew for your Halloween dinner?

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Main dish, pork, Pumpkin, Stew | Tagged , , , | 46 Comments

Apple and Fennel Salad

Apples, Apples, Apples!!  This dish is inspired by a salad I had when I visited a local hot springs spa.  It’s fresh and bright and bursting with flavors!

Posted in Apples, Fruit, Fruits and Vegetables, Salads | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Apple Crisp

Sticking with the apple theme (I bought a LOT of honey crisp apples at the apple farm), I decided to play with an apple crisp recipe.  Hubby doesn’t usually like crisps or cobblers, but he really liked this one!!   … Continue reading

Posted in Apples, Fruits and Vegetables, Sweet Treats | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments