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Everything You Need On The Morning Menu To Start Your Day The Right Way

Are you looking for ways to improve your morning routine? If so, then we have some great choices that could suit you. If you start your day the right way, then you could see fantastic benefits for your body as well as your mind. 


A big glass of water

morning menu

First, you should think about starting your day with a large glass of ice water. You need to drink about two quarts of water today to ensure that you are staying healthy. While this includes the water in your foods, a glass first thing in the morning is a great place to start. A big benefit of starting the day with a glass of water [8] is that it acts as a detox and will clear all the nasty things out of your system, which is great news. This isn’t the only benefit of course. Cold water may also kickstart your metabolism which is great if you are working on your fitness goals. 


morning menu

Caffeine may get a bad rap in the media but contrary to popular belief, it’s not bad for you. In reality, caffeine can be a great choice and give you the little buzz you need to start the day right. There are lots of choices for coffee so make sure that you choose the right type for you. In the summer, you can even start with a nice blast of ice coffee and you can make treats like this at home. You don’t need to pay the extortionate prices of Starbucks. 

You can even take your coffee with you on the go in something like a Tervis Tumbler. If you are worried about how to remove coffee stains from Tervis tumbler [9] you’ll be pleased to know that it is quite easy. There are various guides online that will ensure this doesn’t take you hours. 


Next, you should think about what you’re going to eat in the morning. If you love variety, then a great choice would be a fruit salad. Alternatively, you could just focus on a few of your favorite fruits that will go down a treat. You can mix it up too and have fruit with yogurt or even cream if you’re feeling sinful. Make sure you try to use the best fruits that provide some antioxidants. 

Cereal or Oatmeal 

morning menu

Finally, you might want to think about adding some cereal to your morning routine [10]. One big benefit of cereal is that it is often considered brain food. So, if you want to ensure that you can think more clearly, and avoid a blank mind when you get to the office in the morning, then this is definitely a smart choice. You can even enjoy your cereal with fruit like bananas and even grapes for a delicious taste. And the fiber is excellent for your gut health.

We hope this gives you some great ideas of what should be on your personal menu in the morning. If you explore these options then you are going to discover the fantastic benefits that can be gained by eating the right food early in the day.