Category Archives: Sweet Treats

What’s for Dinner Sunday – #4

There have been some great shares!  Here are a few of my favorites – check ’em out! delicious homemade ice cream recipes by Dreaming of Leaving

Posted in Appetizers, Blog Hops, Breads and Rolls, Brunch, Sweet Treats | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

Watermelon Pops

Nothing says refreshing like cold watermelon on a hot day – unless it’s FROZEN watermelon!  These pops are super easy and keep for weeks in the freezer! What you need:

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Sweet Treats, Watermelon | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Frozen Strawberry Pops

Nothing says summer like frozen treats out on the deck.  Strawberry season is still going strong around my house – those ever-bearing varieties just keep offering those ruby gems.  So what is better this time of year than to create a … Continue reading

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, strawberry, Sweet Treats | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

What’s for Dinner Sunday – a Linky Party (And Lemon Drop Melon Granita!)

We’re changing the format here at the Lazy Gastronome.  We’ll still have great and easy recipes, but each week will be a theme – This week it’s Frozen Treats!   We’ll start the week off with “What’s for Dinner Sunday” … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops, Sweet Treats | 4 Comments