Category Archives: Vegetables

The Top Ten Recipes of 2016

We had a lot of visitors this last year and we thank each and every one of you that came and supported our site!  Here are recipes for the top ten most visited posts of 2016 – If you’re looking for … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizers, Beef, Beef, Breads and Rolls, Casseroles, Cauliflower, Fruits and Vegetables, Main dish, Meatless, Pasta, Pasta, Pork, pork, Side Dishes, Spanish, Vegetables, Zucchini | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

7 Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas

Thanksgiving is nearly here!!  I’m starting to gather ideas and recipes so I can plan our menu.  Here are some that might help you do the same!  Even one for the kids – ____________________________

Posted in Appetizers, Brussels Sprouts, carrots, Cranberries, Fruit, Fruits and Vegetables, Holidays, Side Dishes, Sweet Treats, Thanksgiving, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Zucchini Spaghetti

I’ve been fascinated by the new trend of making thin spaghetti like strips of vegetables.  I went and bought a hand held device and I love it!!  This one uses a Spanish cheese with it.

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Side Dishes, Vegetables, Zucchini | Tagged , , , , | 16 Comments

Spanish Style Corn on the Cob

Summer corn direct on the grill. I love smoky flavors and Spanish smoked paprika is one of them – rubbed in and grilled on….

Posted in Corn, Fruits and Vegetables, Internationally Inspired, Side Dishes, Spanish, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

Crispy, Golden Onion Rings

I’m on a deep fry kick – and I was craving onion rings!  These came out crunchy and salty and so good!!  Be sure to make extra so there are some left when it’s time to serve the family.

Posted in Side Dishes, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , | 12 Comments