Category Archives: Side Dishes

Baby Beets and Beet Green Salad

I love beets. I decided to plant some in an old wheel barrow this year. They took off like crazy, but they are only getting about as big as a large radish. I learned the wheel barrow is not deep … Continue reading

Posted in Beets, Fruits and Vegetables, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Bean and Artichoke Heart Salad

We grilled some ribs and needed a side dish. As I went through my pantry I found some canned goods and thought, bean salad! And it was so easy. I bet you have everything you need in your pantry.

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Roasted Roots – In Celebration of Earth Day

Today is Earth Day! All of our food supply depends on a healthy earth to provide us with delicious and healthy food. Even our meat depends of food from the ground to grow. So what better way to celebrate than … Continue reading

Posted in Beets, carrots, Fruits and Vegetables, Onions, Side Dishes, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

Oklahoma Fried Okra

Oklahoma announced it’s official state meal in 1988. It included cornbread, barbecue pork, chicken fried steak, squash and corn, biscuits, grits and sausage gravy, strawberries, pecan pie, black-eyed peas and fried okra. Fried okra, or “southern popcorn”, makes a great … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizers, Side Dishes, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

Chanterelle Rice

It’s an early year for that golden wild mushroom, the chanterelle. I love these things! I found some at CostCo and bought a package – then my husband and grandson and I went into the forest to find some too. … Continue reading

Posted in Rice, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments