Category Archives: Side Dishes

Potato Latkes

Tomorrow is the beginning of Hanukkah.  The word Hanukkah is Hebrew for dedication.  This eight day holiday remembers the re-dedication of the temple after Judah the Maccabee drove the Greeks from the temple in the holy land.  When the faithful … Continue reading

Posted in Hanukkah, Potatoes, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Pasta of the Month – Christmas Pasta

Super simple pasta side dish that reflects the colors of Christmas – Red, Green and White… Super simple and ready fast!  Want to try it?  

Posted in Christmas, Holidays, Pasta, Side Dishes | Tagged , , | 12 Comments

Chicken and Rice with Buddha’s Hand

Here is the recipe for a slightly citrusy Chicken and Rice using the amazing Buddha’s Hand! Click here to learn more about this strange fruit, Buddha’s hand)

Posted in Chicken, Main dish, Rice, Side Dishes | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

7 Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas

Thanksgiving is nearly here!!  I’m starting to gather ideas and recipes so I can plan our menu.  Here are some that might help you do the same!  Even one for the kids – ____________________________

Posted in Appetizers, Brussels Sprouts, carrots, Cranberries, Fruit, Fruits and Vegetables, Holidays, Side Dishes, Sweet Treats, Thanksgiving, Vegetables | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Mexican Rice & Tequila Tomatoes

Need a side dish for all the great Mexican dishes you have?  My friend from Mexico taught me how to make Mexican rice years ago – the tomatoes were an experiment that worked!  Give them a try!

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Internationally Inspired, Mexican, Rice, Side Dishes, Tomatoes | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments