Category Archives: pork

Super Simple Homemade Breakfast Patties

I love pork breakfast sausage, but a lot of the pre-made stuff has too much salt and not enough real flavor (and by real I mean not the artificial flavorings).  So here is a recipe that starts with ground pork 

Posted in Breakfast, Main dish, pork | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

Pumpkin and Pork Stew

Pumpkin and Pork Stew It’s pumpkin season and there is a lot more things you can do besides make pie or muffins!  How about a stew for your Halloween dinner?

Posted in Fruits and Vegetables, Main dish, pork, Pumpkin, Stew | Tagged , , , | 46 Comments

Ethiopian Inspired Pork & Vegetables

This week I decided to try some ideas inspired by different parts of the world.  My husband and I love to try food from different cultures and have discovered some great flavors.  I’ll be posting recipes inspired by Cuba, the … Continue reading

Posted in Cabbage, Ethiopian, Fruits and Vegetables, Internationally Inspired, Main dish, pork | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Grilled Dinner

Yikes!! It’s been two weeks since I posted??  Time sure can fly.  Its been a crazy two weeks with no time to play in the kitchen!! (Thank heavens for frozen left overs).  But I’m back and ready to share – … Continue reading

Posted in Corn, Fruits and Vegetables, Main dish, Pasta, pork, Side Dishes, Vegetables, Zucchini | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Pork Chops and Gnocchi – A simple week Night Dinner

It’s the middle of the week and everyone is coming home tired and hungry!  What can you fix that won’t wear you out but fits the bill of filling and delicious?  Gnocchi and pork chops! No, this post won’t tell … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish, Pasta, pork, Side Dishes | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments