Category Archives: Chicken

Sopa Azteca (Mexican Chicken soup)

I first had this soup at a restaurant in town and I loved it!  When I looked it up to see what was in it and found that many foods with rice in them are referred to as Azteca.  That … Continue reading

Posted in Chicken, Main dish, Main dish, Mexican, Soup | Tagged , , , , , | 16 Comments

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Welcome to Soup Week at the Lazy Gastronome.  Cold weather and busy days call for something warm and simple to warm your belly.  And our first soup – Chicken Noodle! Did you know that the old folk remedy for a … Continue reading

Posted in Chicken, Main dish, Soup | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

Gluten Free BBQ Hot Wings

I love hot wings – any time of year!  This recipe is for grilled, but you can also put them into a grill pan indoors – or take them to your tailgate party or picnic!  And these are gluten free! … Continue reading

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Easy Chicken Pot Pie

I love chicken pot pie and nothing says comfort more than one that is homemade, but I really don’t like making dough!  So I use refrigerator dough! It’s really pretty simple…

Posted in Chicken, Main dish, Stew | Tagged , , , , , | 16 Comments

What’s for Dinner – Sunday link up # 11

It’s Monday afternoon and you hear – “What’s for Dinner?” We’ve all heard it – and then we realize, what IS for dinner? Well here is a place for ideas! So stop on over to get some ideas and then … Continue reading

Posted in Beef, Blog Hops, Chicken, Fruits and Vegetables, Main dish, Zucchini | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments