Category Archives: Condiments

Bacon Jam

Who doesn’t love bacon? I know we do! The savory sweet jam is full of salty bacon together with sweet onions. It’s a perfect topping on just about anything! We love it on burgers and omelets! Give it a try … Continue reading

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Peanut Butter – Make it at home!

We love peanut butter. My husband will use a chocolate bar as a spoon and eat it right out of the jar. My favorite sandwich is peanut butter and bananas. It’s a staple in most houses, whether it’s chunky or … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizers, Condiments | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Basil Pesto – Saving the Harvest

I’ve never had a lot of luck with basil. The plants were always sparse and sad looking. So this year I planted three – and guess what? They did fabulously. I’ve been using basil in everything!! I’ve preserved some by … Continue reading

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Rosemary Peach Preserves

  Peaches have been ripe for a few weeks now. We ate more than our share for sure – and then I bought three flats of #2 peaches – those are the ones that are starting to get a bit … Continue reading

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Easy Garlic Pickles

Summer is the time to preserve the harvest! I love making jams and pickles – and my kids loved these pickles! Every summer I made three dozen jars and the four of us ate them all – I even entered … Continue reading

Posted in Condiments, cucumber | Tagged , , , , , | 9 Comments