Category Archives: Meatless

Vegetarian Mushroom and Potato Hash

We are trying to eat less meat and more vegetarian and vegan. We love corned beef hash, but we also love mushrooms. Although not a huge source of protein (there is a little), there are many vitamins and minerals, fiber … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Brunch, Casseroles, Meatless | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Vegan Lasagna

I’m trying to eat less meat and I went a month without dairy. And I wanted lasagna!! I’ve used maitake mushrooms in other dishes, so I thought I’d give them a try in the sauce. But the cheese – what … Continue reading

Posted in Casseroles, Main dish, Meatless, Meatless | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 17 Comments

Thai Tofu Peanut Skewers

We’ve been trying to cut back on meat – partly for health and partly for cost and partly for the sustainability. And we love grilling and Thai flavors. I decided to give tofu skewers a try and it was well … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish, Meatless, Thai | Tagged , , , , , , | 13 Comments

Meatless Monday with Link up #2 – Baked Ravioli

It’s Meatless Monday! With the cost of meat going higher and higher, we, like many other folks, are looking for some delicious, meatless options. To help with this quest, every Monday we’ll post a meatless meal recipe. And we’re asking … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops, Casseroles, Main dish, Meatless | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Meatless Monday with Link up #1 – Black Bean and Cheese Enchiladas

It’s Meatless Monday! With the cost of meat going higher and higher, we, like many other folks, are looking for some delicious, meatless options. To help with this quest, every Monday we’ll post a meatless meal recipe. And we’re asking … Continue reading

Posted in Beans, Casseroles, Main dish, Meatless | Tagged , , , , | 22 Comments