Category Archives: Brunch

Sourdough Monkey Bread

Ever had monkey bread? It’s that bread made of cinnamon sugar balls all cooked up together. But why is it called Monkey Bread? No one really seems to know. When I tried to find the answer I read things like … Continue reading

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Sourdough Biscuits and Sausage Gravy

I’m loving my sourdough starter! I’ve got ideas a page long to incorporate those sour notes from the live starter into a variety of sweet and savory breads. And here is one that didn’t disappoint. My husband loves biscuits and … Continue reading

Posted in Breads and Rolls, Breakfast, Brunch | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Poached Egg in an Avocado

Serve mom brunch with this delicious egg dish. Add a Butter Lettuce Salad on the side and she’ll be eating a meal to make her feel special!

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Polenta with Onions & Andouille Sausage

I love a good hearty breakfast on Sunday mornings. Polenta is easy to make and works with a lot of other ingredients. This one has andouille sausage (I used chicken – they taste great) and lots of onions. And it … Continue reading

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Maple Bacon Sourdough Waffles

I’ve discovered the deliciousness of sourdough – and the simplicity of making it. I’ve always shied away because it seemed to complicated and labor intensive, but I am here, as the lazy gastronome, to tell you it is not! Since … Continue reading

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