Category Archives: Breads and Rolls

Rustic Sourdough Bread – Not as hard as you think!

I used to make bread all the time. I had a good sourdough starter, but my sourdough bread came out more like a plain white bread. It never worked, so I gave up. Well I’ve discovered I was doing it … Continue reading

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Corn Dog Muffins with Mustard Sauce

Who doesn’t love a good corndog? How about making a muffin out of them? You can make a full sized muffin (my husband said to add more dogs to the bigger ones) or the mini muffins and serve them as … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizers, Breads and Rolls | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Crock Pot Beef & Bean Soup and Bacon Cheese Biscuits

I don’t know about you, but I did a lot of cooking on Thanksgiving. We have some left overs, but we asked all of our guests to make themselves a “doggy bag”, so we aren’t overflowing with food we won’t … Continue reading

Posted in Breads and Rolls, Main dish, Soup | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins – Gluten Free

Yep – it’s pumpkin season and these delicious muffins are gluten free! First you need to cook the fresh, sweet, sugar pumpkin – click here for directions– and then you bake the muffins. Or you can use some of the … Continue reading

Posted in Breads and Rolls, Breakfast, Brunch | Tagged , , , , , | 17 Comments

Homemade Hamburger Buns

Homemade hamburger buns that are super simple, super delicious, and who wouldn’t want to tell everyone, “yes, I made the buns”. These are made easily with frozen bread dough and can be made days (even weeks if you freeze) ahead … Continue reading

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