Category Archives: Breads and Rolls

Sourdough Monkey Bread

Ever had monkey bread? It’s that bread made of cinnamon sugar balls all cooked up together. But why is it called Monkey Bread? No one really seems to know. When I tried to find the answer I read things like … Continue reading

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Sourdough Biscuits and Sausage Gravy

I’m loving my sourdough starter! I’ve got ideas a page long to incorporate those sour notes from the live starter into a variety of sweet and savory breads. And here is one that didn’t disappoint. My husband loves biscuits and … Continue reading

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Sourdough Rosemary Buns

Looking for some amazing buns for your burgers or sliders? Nothing beats sourdough – then add that rustic flavor of rosemary and you’ve got a winner! Sourdough takes longer to rise than regular yeast dough. I start these on Friday, … Continue reading

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Sourdough Cheese Muffins

I am so getting into this sourdough stuff! I think these muffins are my favorite recipe so far! Give them a try, see what you think. They are delicious!

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Rhubarb Muffins

I went to the farmer’s market last weekend and found some rhubarb! I thought it was finished for the season, but lucky for me Spring had a late start. My mom used to make rhubarb and we’d eat it over … Continue reading

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