Category Archives: Blog Hops

Annual Cookie Exchange Part III

Can you believe Christmas is next week? This will be our last party for this year, but all these cookies (and anymore you want to add) will stay on the Cookie Exchange page! Thank you to everyone that has shared! … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops, Cookies, Sweet Treats | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #127

Christmas is just one week away! Where did the time go. I’ve got parties to make treats for, some shopping to finish, presents to wrap… And by the way…  Here is a collection of fabulous recipes! A collaboration of ideas … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops | Tagged , , , , , , , | 30 Comments

Annual Cookie Exchange Party – Part II

Let’s Keep These Cookies Coming! Are you ready to start baking those Christmas cookies?  I love to make a lot and share them with my neighbors and the people I work with – Not to mention my family loves them!  … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops, Cookies, Sweet Treats | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

What’s for Dinner – Sunday Link up #126

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas –   Are you ready? And by the way…  Here is a collection of fabulous recipes!  A collaboration of ideas ~ So come on in and party with us! Share your latest and … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops | Tagged , , , , , , | 30 Comments

Annual Cookie Exchange Party!

Today is National Cookie Day! It’s time to start thinking about those Christmas cookies!  I love to make a lot and share them with my neighbors and the people I work with – Not to mention my family loves them!  … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops, Cookies, Sweet Treats | 4 Comments