Category Archives: Blog Hops

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link #387

October 2. Can you believe this year is almost gone? It’s been a wild year for me. Hurt my back in May and haven’t been able to do much. And just when I thought it was safe to go back … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday link up #386

Well hello finally. Sorry I’m late again.  Writing posts are going to be slow going for a while. Took a tumble yesterday and broke my wrist. It’s really hard to type with only one hand. So for the next six … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Hops | 14 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #385

Just four more days until it’s officially fall. I love the colors of Autumn, the crispness in the air – and the soups and stews simmering on the stove for dinner. Autumn is about the senses. The colors change and … Continue reading

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What’s for DInner? Sunday Link up #384

We’ve had a week here! All around the Willamette Valley we had some strong wind gusts with 100 degree, dry temperatures. Many areas had power cut to prevent fires in the event of downed power lines. And still there were … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #383

Oh my gosh you guys!! There were some incredible recipes last week!! My Pintrest and my recipe folder are filling up!! Thank you all for sharing! And if you didn’t check some of those out, you should go back and … Continue reading

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