Category Archives: Blog Hops

What’s for Dinner? Sunday (or this week, Monday) link up #430

I had quite a week last week – everything fell behind, and I totally forgot about the party! I’m so sorry guys!! Thanks to one of you, my memory was jogged this morning and I’m getting it going now!! So, … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #429

This is the last party for July – wow! This year has really flown by. It’s been hot here, but I’m grateful we are in a far cooler part of the country than some of you. It truly is summer! … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #428

First – Thank you to everyone that joined our Party’s Birthday celebration – And thank you to everyone that keeps this party going! And that being said – What a summer! It’s been hot here, but not nearly like it’s … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday to our What’s for Dinner Party!

Eight years ago today we had our very first What’s for Dinner party. It started out very small – just five posts (and three were mine!). Check it out here And now it’s grown to over 45 bloggers each week! … Continue reading

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What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #427

Time certainly flies!! We’re nearing half way into July and half way into summer!! And this is the 8th year of our party!! On July 12, 2015, we opened our very first What’s for Dinner party!! I can’t believe it’s … Continue reading

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