Category Archives: Appetizers

BBQ Wings

Marinated, fried and coated with sauce, these moist treats make a great appetizer or a meal! 

Posted in Appetizers, Chicken, Main dish | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Pub Food – Irish Nachos

A little twist on a pub classic – Using potatoes and thyme, this classic appetizer takes on a new life.

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Pub Food – Scotch Egg

Continuing on with the pub food theme, here is one of my absolute favorites – The Scotch Egg.  A hard boiled egg wrapped tight in herbed sausage, then breaded and deep fried.  Served with honey mustard and a beer – … Continue reading

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Pub Food – Nachos

I love to eat appetizers for dinner sometimes, and pub food fits that bill.  Here is a simple version of Nachos.

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Pub Food – Easy Pickled Eggs

I love pub food – and pickled eggs are one of my favorites.  My husband and I used to visit a place in Long Beach, California, have a schooner of beer and a pickled egg. Sometimes this treat can take … Continue reading

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