Author Archives: HelenFern

Avocado Tuna Boats

Looking for a quick and delicious lunch? Fill an avocado with tuna salad! Add some crisp lettuce and a few little tomatoes – Voila!

Posted in Main dish, Salads | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #341

Where has this year gone? It seems to have flown by. Thanksgiving is just a little over a week away – and then Christmas – and then…  Well, we have a lot of work to do and we still need … Continue reading

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Blueberry Crème Brûlée – Throw Back Thursday

Crème Brûlée has been around for centuries. Who invented is a point of debate, but the first written recipe was in a French cookbook in 1691. It was popular throughout Europe in the 1800s. Crème Brûlée was popular throughout Europe … Continue reading

Posted in Sweet Treats | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Spicy Shrimp and Linguine

We love shrimp at our house. It cooks fast, tastes like a treat, and right now is a lot cheaper than beef! This shrimp recipe is so easy you can make it on a week night. And it tastes delicious! … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish, shrimp | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link up #340

I wasn’t able to visit every post – I’m sorry! I lost my internet for a bit and I don’t type fast enough on my phone to stop by and say hi. I’ll do better this week. Ah this week. … Continue reading

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